Learn German with Bismah

Feed your mind the Würste it needs!


Here you can learn all about:

  1. German alphabet
  2. Umlaut letters
  3. Letter combinations


In this video you will learn how to pronounce certain letter combinations in German. This video is meant for beginners who have just started to learn German and need some practice with pronunciation. I recommend pausing the video and pronouncing the words out loud.

Got all that? Here's a quick recap:

  • The r (at the beginning of the word) sounds like gurgling
  • The r (at the end of the word) sounds like “uh
  • The ch sounds like a cat hiss
  • ß is just a “ss” sound
  • j sounds like the English y
  • w sounds like the English v
  • v sounds like the English f

Video content:

In this video you will learn how to pronounce German Umlaut letters. This video refers to English words that have sounds that resemble specific Umlaut letters. It is important to distinguish between these sounds as it can determine whether the word is plural. For example, die Kuh translates to cow whereas das Kühetranslates to cows. There are 3 main Umlaut letters:

  • ä Umlaut
  • ö Umlaut
  • ü Umlaut

It's time to play — What's that sound?

To introduce you to German sounds, here are some audios for you to listen to.

R sounds

Is this sound making the German "r" sound, or is he gurgling mouthwash?

Play Have a listen

Answer: That was the German r sound. When the letter r appears at the beginning of a word, it makes a rolling sound way in the back of your throat. Give it a try. Make an r sound, then pretend you are gurgling while you do it.


To make you feel better, that crazy, rolling r sound only happens when the r is at the beginning of the word. Everywhere else, the r makes a much softer sound, almost like an “uh” sound.


Now it's time for some real pronunciation practice! Are you ready?

This activity will pose a set of questions to you where you will have to use your microphone to answer the questions in German! Aim for at least 80% above! To begin this activity simply click on the push to speak button which will then record your answer and will provide you with an automatic result!

Summary:This page will have allowed your pronunciation to reach a matured level through the use of audio activities and resources. We have visited the Umlaut letters and the cluster combinations.

Click here to move onto the last page for end of unit tests, exploration and more!
