Learn German with Bismah

Feed your mind the Würste it needs!


On this website you will learn all about:

  1. Grammar
  2. Vocabulary and translation
  3. Pronunciation
  4. Interactive materials
Carousel representing Germany

What's Germany known for?

The following images are a good representation of Germany. First we can see an image of some of Germanys traditions such as the Oktoberfest which is an annual festival held by Germans and is an epitome for their obsession with beer! The second photo shows Germanys achievements within the sports field and particulary football. Lastly, some of you may be suprised to know that Einstein was actually from Germany!

What does this website offer?

Aims and target of this website

The target users are students that are complete beginners of the German language however anyone is welcome to use this site as a refresher! The main aim of this website it to help you grasp a mature understanding of German. It aims to introduce you to the fundamentals of German grammar and support you taking part in everyday conversations as well as to understand your recipients. It will cover A1 and A2 content.This website will allow you to practise your German through the use of exercises that are included!

Why choose German?

  1. Increases global job oppurtunities
  2. Top 10 most spoken languages in the world
  3. Top languages in international science communities
  4. Attractive skill to employers
  5. Shows efficient adaptation
  6. Widen your network
  7. Many influential individuals were from Germany

This website will teach the content in the following order:

  1. Basic facts about Germany
  2. A1/A2 German grammar
  3. A1/A2 vocabulary and translation
  4. Mature pronunciation
  5. Wider knowledge about Germany

German culture

This video will educate you on the basic fundaments of German culture and will breifly touch upon:

  1. Geographics of Germany
  2. Literature
  3. Country influence
  4. Nobel prizes
  5. Leading economy
Image showing the German flag

This picture illustartes the colours of the German flag. Fun fact, the colours symbolise national unity.

Websites that will expand your knowledge about Germany and its culture

Listed below will be some helpful websites that will educate you on German stereotypes, their economic climate as well as their culture:

  1. This website goes through a list of German stereotypes which are actually true. This will be helpful for you if you plan on visiting Germany as you will know what to expect- for example their addiction to bread is verrückt, which means crazy in English! Click here to access it.

  2. This is a recent news article which outlines the basics of where Germany stands in Europe. Click here to access it.

  3. This article includes some statistics about Germanys economy and is included in the top 10 for the worlds largest economies. Click here to access it.

  4. Follow this link if you wish to learn about German culture and the traditions they follow. Click here to access it.

Summary:This page has now taught you about some German basics including culture and traditions as well as the purpose of this site!

Click here to access the grammar page.
